Join me on a journey through Italy
What started as a journey through Italy and this website to keep track of my discoveries, ended up in the book “Italia con Gusto e Amore”.
First published in Dutch, I am very proud it has been translated in English and is available worldwide.
If you want to discover what kind of places I visited, what local people had to say or want to relive my journey through all the regions of Italy, I kindly invite you to browse the travel reports. You will not find these in the book.
My name is Annette, a passionate lover of life, a mother, and a devoted fan of Italy. My love for food runs deep, and I’m committed to authentic, pure cuisine where simplicity shines. Every small moment in life inspires me to live fully.
During the workshop, I will take you on a trip through Italy, where you will learn all about the country and its cuisine. Feel, eat and experience the traditional and pure Italy with your team during the gusto e amore workshop. Available in Dutch, French, English and Italian!
In Italy, I noticed how lyrically people talk about food and I want to do the same here. Discover interesting people talking about Italian food. (Dutch)
When Italia con Gusto e Amore was published, I was very grateful for the media coverage I got. Take a look at the different publications. Interested in publishing about my book? Let me know!
For media inquiries, review copies, or interview requests, please contact:
Annette Canini Daems
I recorded a few videos where I talk about Italia con Gusto e Amore and the content. Why I wrote the book, how I did it and some remarkable discoveries.
For media inquiries, review copies, or interview requests, please contact:
Annette Canini Daems